Taman Agro Tourism_ Big Red Strawberry Farm_Cameron Highlands

Big Red Strawberry Farm
Location: Brinchang

Big Red Strawberry Farm, also known as Taman Agro Tourism Cameron Highlands offers one-stop garden and farm centre to relax and unwind. It is located in Brinchang town, right beside Cactus Valley at the new town of Brinchang. If you are staying in Brinchang, ask the receptionist at your hotel and they can guide you on how to reach there. Alternatively, identify Star Regency Hotel/Apartment and it is only about 500 m from this place.

Same location as Cactus Valley. From the main road, turn into road where Star Regency is located. Take a right at the junction and go in about 200 metres.
Free Entry!

OPENING HOURS : 8.30am -5.30pm daily

-Pick Your Owen Strawberries!
-Tomato Garden
-All kinds of Orchids & Cactus
-Big Red Strawberry Cafe
-Gift Shop
-200 Car Park lot

Dah sampai sini kalau tak ke strawberry farm memang tak lengkap la jika ke Cameron Highlands. Memang terdapat banyak starwberry farm di Cameron Highlands, tapi aku memilih untuk ke sini kerana tempat ini memang pakej, sebab ada semuanya, baik dari segi tanaman sayuran segar, strawberry, kaktus, bunga-bungaan dan tempat lepak untuk minum -minum . so semua ada disini, jadi tak perlu lagi nak ke farm dan kebun-kebun lain lagi.Lagi satu disini senang nak parking kereta dan ianya Free entry. Lepas kesini kami ke Pasar Malam Brinchang pulak.


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